My WebSite
This is my official page that has everything about me.
Dragon Ball Fan Page
This page is an attribute to the creator of Dragon Ball and also has his characters
Dragon Ball Fan Page
This page is an attribute to the creator of Dragon Ball and also has his characters
This app web is created whit vite and react and is a proyect name pait
Dog Check-Up
This program is for either an animal professional to check them and verify data
My Art
This page has my art and my feelings.
Iook at me im free
This video is a project I did in the times of covid 19 that was very old but also helped me to forget the person I loved
Fredome dive
This animation is made with pain that I had because I loved someone and suffered every day 2017-2019.
My music
This page is where I distribute my music
Menu Maker Pro
This program has many utilities that can work for you to help with a specific task.
Coming Soon
Fly Out VideoGame
App Waz
My Videos
This page has my videos and video projects.
Im Gone
This video is the video that was going to implement a lot of things, whether it's 3D, 2D, and reality and others. but it was cancelled due to school issues.
Rainbow Road
This animation was cancelled due to school issues..